Currently I am a Motion Planning Engineer at Argo AI. I am interested in all topics surrounding Self-driving Vehicles. More specifically, I am interested in developing robots capable to interact with humans in an intelligent manner. I am also interested in the interplay between Machine Learning and Optimization Based Algorithms for robot motion planning, control and prediction/forecasting.

Previously I was a master student of Robotics, Systems and Controls at ETH Zurich; and before that bachelor student studying Mechatronics at Tec de Monterrey, where I had the opportunity to intern at Daimler AG in the automated trucks department and at Crabi SA as a data scientist.

During my time at ETH Zurich, I had the pleasure to be part of AMZ driverless. An inter-disciplinary robotics team with the goal of building the fastest formula style autonomous car. We managed to win two international competitions, Formula Student Germany and Formula Student East with our vehicle, pilatus driverless.

After AMZ driverless, I spent time at Embotech AG where I designed optimal control and state estimation algorithms for commercial vehicles as part of my master’s degree internship. Recently, I have been interested in how to use Machine Learning and Game Theory to assist classical robotics algorithms.



Deep Interactive Motion Prediction and Planning: Playing Games with Motion Prediction Models
J. Vazquez, A. Liniger, W. Schwarting, D. Rus, L. van Gool
L4DC 2022
[abstract] [arXiv] [website]
Optimization Based Hierarchical Motion Planning for Autonomous Racing
J. Vazquez*, M. Brühlmeier*, A. Liniger*, A. Rupenyan, J. Lygeros
IROS 2020 Best Paper Award Finalist
[abstract] [arXiv]
## Projects
Deep Dense Bundle Adjustment Networks
3D Vision
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Generative Models for Sampling Based Motion Planning on Distance Fields
Perception and Learning for Robotics
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Assessing Generalization in Probabilistic Ensembles for Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning
Deep Learning
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Sparse Monocular Visual Odometry Pipeline
Vision Algorithm for Mobile Robotics
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